Judges Committee
The panel of judges changes annually, corresponding to the field for which the award is granted. Each judging panel consists of significant and leading figures in the local design field, including designers with established portfolios, curators, researchers, and industry leaders. Five local judges will be joined by a distinguished international figure and a representative from the Edmund de Rothschild Foundation.
In the first stage, the local judging panel will review all received submissions and select the final 22 candidates for the award (Shortlist). To maintain the integrity of the judging process, the identities of the judges will remain confidential until the completion of this stage.
In the second judging stage, the local panel will be joined by prominent international figures in the field of visual communication, along with the committee chair, Baroness Ariane de Rothschild. The announcement of the winners and the award ceremony will take place towards the end of 2024.
Steering Committee
Adv. Tal Sagi Faran
Managing Director of the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation (Israel)
Tal joined the Foundation in January 2009.
Prior to joining the Foundation, she worked as an attorney at the law firm Efrati Galili Ben-Hur Tsuk & Co. (1997–2011).
Tal holds a Bachelor’s degree in Literature and Philosophy from Tel Aviv University (1997) and an LL.B. in Law from Reichman University (formerly IDC Herzliya) (2003).
Galit Gaon
Senior Design Curator, Chair of Judging Committee
Prof. Ezri Tarazi
Designer and Researcher, Chair of the Industrial Design Graduate Program at the Technion
Prof. Adi Stern
President of the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design
Stern has been President of the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design since 2015. From 2008–2015, he served as the head of Bezalel's Department of Visual Communication. Stern is a graphic designer, type designer, and a design lecturer and educator. He also writes, consults and lectures on the design and history of the Hebrew letter. His work has been exhibited in numerous exhibitions and has won awards in Israel and around the world.
Prof. Sheizaf Rafaeli
President of Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art
Rafaeli was elected for presidency of Shenkar and commence his service since April 2020. He was recently head of the Internet Lab at the University of Haifa, and is a Senior Research Associate in the Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy in the Technion. He served two terms as the Director of the Graduate School of Business at the University of Haifa, where he led the department of Business Administration, and took part in establishing the departments of Knowledge and Information Management and the Management of Natural Resources and Environment.
Prof. Terry Schreuer
Dean of the Faculty of Design, the Azrieli School of Design at Shenkar
She is known for her works that maintain a constant dialogue between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional dimensions Prof. Schreuer designs spaces, logos, packaging, calendars, books, posters, and more. Prof. Schreuer served as a judge in the award of 2020.
Maya Vinitsky
Design Curator at Tel Aviv Museum, Lecturer
Anat Safran
Curator, Designer and Artistic Director
2024 Judges of Visual Communication Design Award
Baroness Ariane de Rothschild
Chairwoman of the Edmond de Rothschild Group
Prof. Marcel Benčík
International guest judge of the committee, Designer, educator, and researcher
Prof. Tomasz Bierkowski
International guest judge of the committee, Designer, consultant, researcher, and lecturer
Prof. Anat Katsir
Designer, lecturer. Specializes in developing digital age journalistic products
Gideon Amichay
Advertiser, cartoonist, designer. Award-winning creator and author
Orna Granot
Curator, researcher, and lecturer specializing in illustration history
Michael Gordon
Graphic designer, typographer and print producer
Graduated from Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design's Graphic Design department in 1984. Senior lecturer at Bezalel's Visual Communication department and senior faculty member at Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art since 2014.
Nominated for the 2020 Edmond de Rothschild Design Award for Established Visual Communication Designers.
Guy Saggee
Graphic designer, lecturer. Winner of the Edmond de Rothschild Design Award in 2020
Saggee’s long career, spanning 25 years, included local and international exhibitions, numerous publications, conference speaking, and awards.
2022 Judges of Textile, Fashion & Jewelry Design Award
Baroness Ariane de Rothschild
Chairwoman of the Edmond de Rothschild Group
Mr. Jaime Hayon
Artist and designer, International guest judge of the committee
Ms. Neora Warshavsky
Senior textile designer
From 1959–1987 she served as textile designer and production manager of the weaving department of couture brand “Maskit.”
Mr. Gideon Oberson
Senior fashion designer
Prof. Dganit Stern Schocken
Established jewelry designer, Senior lecturer at Shenkar Academy
Dr. Omri Goren
Fashion designer, senior lecturer at Bezalel Academy
Ms. Lea Peretz
Fashion researcher, art historian, Senior Lecturer at Shenkar Academy
2021 Judges of Product & Object Design Award
Baroness Ariane de Rothschild
Chairwoman of the Edmond de Rothschild Group
Ms. Renate Menzi
Curator of the Design Collection of the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, International guest judge of the committee
Prof. Dina Shahar
Designer, Senior Lecturer, Hadassah Academic College
Her academic and pedagogical work focuses on the development and implementation of inclusive and social design methods, fields which she writes and lectures about in various conferences and forums in Israel and around the world.
Mr. Yoav Ziv
Industrial Designer, Senior Lecturer, Shenkar
Ms. Hadar Shapira
Industrial Designer, Senior Lectrer, Bezalel
Prof. David Rawet
Industrial Designer and Dean of HIT’s Faculty of Design
Since graduating from Bezalel’s Department of Industrial Design (in 1977), has been an active designer in wide and diverse fields of design in Israel and abroad, through Rawet Design, the industrial design company he founded. Has been involved in more than 700 projects, winning numerous international design awards. He specializes in the design of medical devices and has designed for some of the leading medical device companies worldwide.
Ms. Shlomit Bauman
Artist, Researcher, Lecturer and Head Curator, Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center
2020 Judges of Visual Communication Design Award
Baroness Ariane de Rothschild
Chairwoman of the Edmond de Rothschild Group
Mr. Andrea Amichetti
Design editor and curator, International guest judge of the committee
Prof. Terry Schreuer
Senior designer and lecturer at WIZO Haifa
She is known for her works that maintain a constant dialogue between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional dimensions Prof. Schreuer designs spaces, logos, packaging, calendars, books, posters, and more. Prof. Schreuer served as a judge in the award of 2020.
Mr. Itzik Rennert
Illustrator, senior lecturer at Shenkar
Rennert served as a senior lecturer and head of the illustration program at Bezalel, headed Shenkar's Department of Visual Communication from 2007–2012 and master's degree program in design between 2016–2019, and is currently a senior lecturer at Shenkar.
Mr. Erez Gavish
Multidisciplinary designer, Head of the Visual Communication Department, Bezalel
Alongside his academic work and teaching at Bezalel, Gavish is involved in design and artistic management of a variety of projects in television media, and conducts personal research in the field of design-in-motion.
Mr. Zachi Dinar
Designer and researcher, Head of the Department of Visual Communications Design at the Holon Institute of Technology
His two decades of professional experience span the fields of digital design, product development for various media, guiding initiatives from concept to implementation, and development of tools and products—from the planning and research stage, through concept design and development, to data analysis.
In 2003, he founded and served as Creative Director at Balora, a company that specializes in user experience planning and digital product design for all screens types. More recently, he co-founded the social enterprise Mindlly and serves as a creative director at ArtBit. In addition, he provides consultation and mentoring in Microsoft’s Startup Incubator, and is an active participant in the mentoring community of Google Campus.
Ms. Meira Yagid-Haimovich
Chief Design curator, Tel Aviv Museum of Art
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